Online Desktop
Here's an idea for you guys. Currently the computer is run by software that is installed to personal and business computers. Programs like MS Word, explorer, Outlook, Calculators, etc are all installed onto the computer and often, new programs face compatability issues. I know someone that just created an online version of photoshop. It has all of the basic functions, but the software is online and people can access it from any computer. This is how a lot of websites' content managers work. You can update your site from any computer with internet because all of the necessary files and programs are right in front of you.
What I think that we need to do is develop software that is primarily online. They have done this with a lot of email clients and organizers. Email is accessed from all over the world using servers like Yahoo and Gmail. If we could develop software that was just the same (People could pay a montly service fee for the software or even annually), we would cut back on pirating costs and compatibility would be solved because all users would need is a compatible web browser.
Imagine being able to access Word anywhere you are, or even getting to your work from anywhere. Sure, you can do this now by emailing your work to yourself, but this takes it to the next level by allowing users to store ALL of their work online as opposed to being limited to word files or even worse, TXT files.
I mean, we couldn't pull it off just yet, we would need quite a bit of capital, but it is definitely something that can be done. With more and more of the world getting internet access (and many parts of the world with highspeed connections) this could be the next phase of desktop computing.